Porock Index

  • Population: Nursing home residents
  • Outcome: 6-month mortality
  • Scroll to the bottom for more detailed information

Risk Calculator
1. Was your patient admitted to the care home facility in the last three months?
2. Has your patient lost weight unintentionally in the last three months?
3. Does your patient have renal failure?
4. Does your patient have chronic heart failure?
5. Does your patient have a poor appetite?
6. Is your patient male or female?
7. Has your patient been diagnosed with dehydration?
8. Does your patient display shortness of breath?
Use these definitions to score your patient’s level of independence over the past seven days on the following four Activities of Daily Living.

Independent: No help from others to complete

Supervised: Supervision provided 3 or more times

Limited Assistance: Non-weight bearing assistance provided 3 or more times; OR Weight bearing help provided 1-2 times

Extensive Assistance: Weight bearing support 3 or more times; OR Full staff performance for part of past 7 days

Total Dependence: Full staff performance for past 7 days

  • Has your patient had cognitive deterioration in the last 3 months?
Total Points:    0


The information provided on ePrognosis is designed to complement, not replace, the relationship between a patient and his/her own medical providers. ePrognosis was created with the support of the Division of Geriatrics at the University of California San Francisco. However, its content is strictly the work of its authors and has no affiliation with any organization or institution. This web site does not accept advertisements. If you reproduce the material on the website please cite appropriately. For feedback and questions regarding the site please email Sei Lee, MD (sei.lee@ucsf.edu), Alex Smith, MD (aksmith@ucsf.edu) or Eric Widera, MD (eric.widera@ucsf.edu).