Population: Community dwelling older adults aged 65 years and older with dementia
Outcomes: 2, 5, and 10 year risk and median time to needing nursing home level of care. The outcome of nursing home level of care was defined as one of the following 3 items:
In general, dependency with an ADL was defined by needing help with the task.
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Information about the models
We created 2 models based on whether interview responses were from the individual (self-respondent model) or a proxy (typically a spouse/family member) (proxy model). Proxy interviews are generally conducted for participants who could not participate in the interview (e.g., physical/cognitive reasons).
Self-respondent model
Discrimination: This risk calculator sorts patients who are classified as nursing home level of care earlier from patients who were still not classified as nursing home level of care correctly 64% of the time (as measured by the integrated area under the receiver operating characteristic curve which is a weighted average of the AUC values at all event times).
Calibration: The model was well calibrated across all risk ranges at the 2, 5, and 10-year time points.
Proxy model
Discrimination: This risk calculator sorts patients who are classified as nursing home level of care earlier from patients who were still not classified as nursing home level of care correctly 72% of the time (as measured by the integrated area under the receiver operating characteristic curve which is a weighted average of the AUC values at all event times).
Calibration: The model was well calibrated across all risk ranges at the 2, 5, and 10-year time points.
Citation: Manuscript accepted.
DISCLAIMERThe information provided on ePrognosis is designed to complement, not replace, the relationship between a patient and his/her own medical providers. ePrognosis was created with the support of the Division of Geriatrics at the University of California San Francisco. However, its content is strictly the work of its authors and has no affiliation with any organization or institution. This web site does not accept advertisements. If you reproduce the material on the website please cite appropriately. For feedback and questions regarding the site please email Sei Lee, MD (sei.lee@ucsf.edu), Alex Smith, MD (aksmith@ucsf.edu) or Eric Widera, MD (eric.widera@ucsf.edu).